Dear Family and Friends,
Well, we all survived the summer! Wow! That was a difficult time for many of us, for sure. My mom and
three of my sisters got the virus. Praise God that they are all well now. I think that for
most of us, the hardest part of this unprecedented season was quarantine. The isolation caused division
that we see and feel all around us, and it has divided marriages, family, and friends. Oh, how we need
to build bridges, now, in this dark world, and we believe that is best done by one word: Jesus!
I think only a few institutions have been affected as much as the church. As one pastor wrote, “The
coronavirus pandemic of 2020 is doing what wars, depression and natural disasters have not: Shutting
down places of worship for Christians all over the world.” The church is all about loving one another.
In other words, it is about relationships. While Facebook and zoom has its a place, it is not and cannot
be a substitute for face to face relationships. We were made to touch, hug, share meals, and laugh
together. Our prayer is that this is also becoming part of your daily reality again.
God is being so good to him, and he is doing good. Sometimes he still struggles with the side affects of
the radiation, but he is doing well, and he is doing painting projects here at the mission.
She is helping with cooking in the kitchen and doing hospitality. She went to Mexico in February,
because her niece was very sick with thyroid cancer. They basically told us to go and say our goodbyes. She went through a lot, but in the end, God did a miracle in her life, and now she is doing well.
Praise God!
He is a Senior in high school this year, and he is thinking of joining the Air Force when he graduates.
He is doing very good in school.
She is a Junior this year, and she has her license! We are so happy and proud of her. She is doing great
in school, as well.
He is a freshman this year, and he is learning English. He is doing his best. He gave his life to the Lord
early this year. God is so good!
Luke 18:27 “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” When I look back from April to the
end of June, I may not have believed it, even if God had told me (Habakkuk 1:5). Through the
blessings of God, CMTS was able to donate to over 25 ministries, and these ministries are other Christ
centered ministries. The donations included over 76 pallets of new supplies. This consisted of 50,000
lbs of food/cleaning/paper products and over 30,000 lbs of bottled water. For a grand total of around
80,000 lbs or 40 tons of supplies that were used to share the love of Jesus all around Pennsylvania and
beyond. To name a few of the counties that were impacted: Lebanon, Lancaster, Berks, Schuylkill,
Chester, Philadelphia, Lehigh, and Northampton County. Some of the items also went to Haiti to help
schools and local communities. We have met many new contacts (provided by God) to help in
transportation of the goods to the other ministries and more. It has been such an amazing thing to see.
God’s work is perfect; beyond our understanding!
We want to give a thank you to the families that are supporting us. We cannot do what we are doing
without you. Thank you very much.
May God bless you and your family!
With all our love,
The McDermott family.
We want to ask you if you and your family will be interested in praying for us, and being a part of what
God is calling our family.
All donations are tax deductible, please make your check out to CMTS with a note: for the McDermott
Micheal & Juanis McDermott 1119 N. Boundary Rd, Bernville, PA. 19506
Phone: (484) 797-4883