November Highlights
Ahhh, November. I remember those days, when the weather was warmer and I didn’t have to bundle up quite so much to make the long trek between my cottage and the office. Those were brighter days…
Lot’s of good, some may say great, things have happened in the last few months. Unfortunately, writing abut them has not been my priority, but my 2 month late newsletter is finally done! Or, it will be.
Joel & Danielle spent almost a week in Texas, doing some more research into the potential of planting a base there. While they were away, Peyton, their 3rd, turned 16. Since we are birth-month buddies, it made sense to drag him with me and Caleb to Walmart. Unsurprisingly, he was asked to leave. But he got a birthday McFlurry from McDonalds, so he was happy.
Sam & Aidan, foodies, decided to make the Thanksgiving dinner for the ministry. Since Sam half grew up in Thailand, he decided to make Pad Thai, Khao Soi, and one other dish. When I tell you that was the best Thai food I’ve ever had…. I still think about the Khao Soi. 10/10.
Did you know that Cabelas offers a free picture with Santa at Christmas time? While I was there one night, I just had to get one with Hani. It ended up being a gift for my dad since he loves Hani dearly. Oh, he loves me too, obviously.
My birthday was spent working since I had a meeting that night. Parker painted me a portrait of “Buff Hani”, the students gave me a stuffed Bigfoot, Jann made cheesecake, and my mom ventured over the mountain to deliver me a coffee and peanut butter pie. All in all, it was a good birthday. Rowan turned 7, and when I called to wish him Happy Birthday, he remarked, “Seven doesn’t really feel that different from 6.” Well, 29 isn’t that different from 28, so I understood where he was coming from. We dressed as Maui and Moana, and celebrated later that week. I wonder what next year’s theme will be.
November Ministry Highlights
We had 2 shipments leave in one week! Now, I’ve never been involved in the packing of a shipping container, and technically, I wasn’t involved in this one aside from taking 900 or so photos, but it sure was something to behold.
The Merricks had come to the States from Belize for a couple months, and before they left, helped pack their container. That was Monday, and took almost the entire day. Those guys were MOVING, because you pay per hour that the truck is there.
The shipment for Douglas Yeboah to Ghana was a little different. There was a lot more time to prep the Warehouse and get everything staged now that the Belize shipment had made a little room. Douglas Yeboah runs a hospital in Ghana and is [a direct quote from Justin] “the poorest and most generous man alive.” He’s been saving for this shipment for some time, and we were all excited to see it finally get to him. It arrived to him safely with nothing broken the first week of February.
It really loved being around for the “packing party” as they call it. It was fun to watch the students, and all the staff, work as a team. We are confident that God is going to use each item packed for something amazing!
Also in November, we had a potential Equip student tour the campus. In February, he submitted his application! We are excited for how God will provide more students as He always does. Don’t forget to suggest us to anyone graduating this summer!
December Highlights
The first week of December means Equip Gingerbread Competition. We spent a week of evenings in the kitchen, and this year was a little different. We had them team up: Isaac & Aidan, Sam & Caleb. Ultimately, Isaac & Aidan won. Their structure, Walmart, was right on the heels of Peyton being asked to leave that building, and featured a fondant Peyton sitting out front of the doors. Sam & Caleb made a seriously awesome gun. I was SO PROUD of them all!!! They put so much effort in and made it a lot of fun.
This year, as last year, the winners chose dinner and a movie. We watched Rocky and ate Thai (from a restaurant, not Sam). I can definitively say that Rocky 4 is my favorite of the franchise. The Equip guys are… invested in working out, so they enjoyed watching Sylvester Stallone get buff. I think they were taking notes.
Sandra & I spent an afternoon baking cookies together to give out for Christmas. I can’t wait for when she and Wyatt are living on campus and we do things like that more often!
December Ministry Highlights
We had a work group from Maryland stay the weekend. Caleb & Mike spent the day with them at One Luv, and then we all had dinner together. Joel & Justin, who typically run work groups, were both in Mayreau on a mission trip, so this provided Caleb the opportunity to step out in leading a group.
For many years now, the ministry has been praying for God to provide a box truck for the Warehouse Distribution Center. God moved! While dropping off supplies at Trinity Bible Fellowship, someone saw Justin struggling with the liftgate on our current box truck. It’s been broken for some time, and was hazardous. She saw the value and impact that a fully operable box truck would make. The Warehouse serves so many ministries, and this would enable us to serve & equip those who serve Christ even better. She contacted Penske and arranged for a newer truck to be sold to the ministry at a considerable discount. Then, the church she attends decided to step out in faith and pay for the truck. It was so amazing to watch God work in this!
I’ve started working with Kylie Smith once a week, which has been a lot of fun. This year, she is in Christ Link learning computer stuff and developing her skills. She’s a quick learner, and reminds me a lot of myself when I was her age. I was recently talking with Jenny because I had made a social media video thing for Equip, and remarked how different my life is because of Christ Link. I’ve learned so many things from Wes that have impacted my work at CMTS. I hope to help Kylie in a similar way by imparting some of my knowledge to her! I also hope to start working with Elizabeth Darnell on computer things. I think that they both have a lot of potential and want to see them use these skills to serve God, as we are all called to do!
January Highlights
I took my nephews to see the new Sonic movie as a joint birthday present. There’s nothing better than watching a movie in the theater and eating that popcorn! I prefer doing things with them as opposed to buying toys and such, so I hope they enjoy the time spent together. I know I do!
The Farm Show this year was an interesting trip. I spent the day with all four students plus Ace, and we then drove to church Saturday evening. It was a long day to say the least.
If I remember correctly, last year on New Years I was sick. This year, I was recovering from one of the worst cases of the flu I’ve had yet. I understand now how people can die from having the flu. My family was so sweet. Ashley picked me up to drive me to urgent care and Mom sat with me then took care of me for the next 3 or so days. I’m so grateful for the family God has given me. They are loving and generous and I hope to do them justice by loving them well.
January Ministry Highlights
This year, I hope to join the Equip trip to Mexico. Nolan has been going to businesses to raise funds for this trip, specifically so that we can build a house for a family through Homes of Hope. Each family who receives a house is carefully and prayerfully chosen. They are interviewed and get to hear the gospel, and often they choose to follow Christ! One of our friends & ministry partners, Alfredo, sent me his newsletter back in December. He serves with Homes of Hope and shared this story:
“I want to tell you the story of this family, normally families go through a process when they apply for a house, with this family it was God who literally put them in our path, I was driving through one of the neighborhoods where we built and there was a person working and I just said hello out of courtesy, but something in my head told me to go back, when I went back I asked him where he lived and he pointed me to his house which was a house where it was just a room with a bed for him and his family, I took the time to visit them right then and there and they told their story, they are originally from the state of Puebla they came to Tijuana because where they were from they did not have the same opportunities in life, the phrase they used to express that was “WE WERE LOOKING FOR HOPE” when I listened to them God spoke into my life and was clear in building that hope through a house, in less than a week their life changed completely they not only received a house, they received 2, one here and one in heaven. The impact that is made in each family that is built is great and it is something that marks them forever, the word of the Lord says that he will not abandon us and his protection will be forever, as servants of Christ we are called to serve with our hearts and with our lives.”
It is my prayer that we make an impact like this! The Mexico trips have always been very impactful for the student’s and I’m excited to see that happen again.
February Highlights
Hani turned 4!!! This is crazy. In March, I will have had her for 4 years, and that makes me almost teary eyed just thinking about. God really blessed me with the ridiculous dog. She means the world to me, and I know she’s just a dog, but to me she’s an answer to prayer and my best friend. I’m so glad to have her to come home to! Otherwise, I might go crazy…
February consisted of lots of prep for the Equip student’s trip to Mayreau, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and the Food Fest Fundraiser, as well as just trying to survive the freezing temperatures. Fun story: One night, I heard this strange exploding sound, and since Mama didn’t raise a crazy person, I of course ignored it and went to bed. Around 2AM, Hani desperately needed to go outside in the -9°F frigid tundra that was CMTS, at which point I discovered that the mysterious explosion from earlier was a can of Coke Zero I had left in my mud room/entrance (who needs a fridge when the world is your freezer??). It was refrigerated so well, that it exploded through the box. Clearly, I am not made for Alaska, and boy am I glad God has not called me to move there!
Heidi’s niece, Ira Ray, who helped over the summer, also visited once or twice and helped me in the office, and one night she came over to hang out. She had been wanting to make a clothes pin cross so we did that while watching a movie and it was a ton of fun!!
I got to see my cousin Ellie swear in to the National Guard, interview Donny for almost 2 hours with Danielle, practice making the “fun drinks” (non-alcoholic) for the fundraiser with Danielle, and a lot more!
February Ministry Highlights
Jan Darnell has a sweater that says “May Heavenly things constantly interrupt earthly things”, and Danielle & I got to live that out! While doing a seemingly routine bank deposit on a very busy day for us, she and I were asked to step into the manager’s office. Scary, I know. We spent the next nearly 2 hours talking with him about CMTS, sharing our testimonies, and getting to have a really awesome conversation with him! I’ve frequently gotten to see Danielle stop and share Christ with people we encounter, but I have yet to participate, until now. And it was awesome!!
During a snow storm, the students decided to make breakfast for the staff; well, actually they were going to make breakfast fora few people, which morphed into the whole staff, which has become my new favorite staff event. I just really love breakfast so this is the best of both worlds!
Donny is back from Mexico! When Danielle saw him at church after his return, she made a joke about him coming to serve at CTS in the office, which he did not take as a joke. Long story short, he is our newest staff member and is actively raising support. I am so excited to have him around more and see how God grows him at CMTS!
March Highlights
March has been such a beautiful month, right?? The random days of sunny, 65°F weather have been a breath of fresh air!
This month has been absolutely insane. The weeks leading up to the Mexico trip have been full to say the least. Some church things are soon happening like the Women’s Retreat, and there have been awesome Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights at KFJ. The way that KC2 is now, I am teaching Preschool AND Kindergarten and 1st grade, which was a big growth for me. One that I have greatly enjoyed. Kristen & Nathan asked me to step into the Bible Literacy teacher role, and it has seriously become a passion for me! I can’t tell you how much I love talking to the kids about the Bible and how their relationship with God is the most important thing. I feel like I’m learning each week and getting to share what God is teaching me! My heart has truly become for this and I feel such joy in teaching them.
People ask when they see me how I’m liking CMTS, and every time, I answer that I’m right where God wants me. That’s not just a cop out answer. It is 100% something I truly believe. God wants me here and He has been blessing me so much. I’m not the same person I was 3, 4 years ago, and I am so glad! I’ve seen so much personal growth, and growth in the people around me. God is here, working and moving in this place.
March Ministry Highlights
The Food Fest Fundraiser was so so great. I wish you all could have been there! We had 7 or so different ministries that were impacted by CMTS in the past few years make food and serve it. They then got to promote not only CMTS, but their own ministry, and share some stories and testimonies. It was so good! At the end of the night a couple different times, you could see groups of people huddled together praying for each other and the ministries and people there. It was beautiful!!
If you didn’t get to come to the Food Fest, we’re doing a Carnival this summer which I am sure will be equally amazing! More details will follow, but see the flyer above for some info.
I know that so much more has happened in March, but it’s hard to remember the minutiae of each week. I would gladly talk more about the ministry, but I think I gushed enough in the March Highlights section. I really love it here and am glad God chose me to be here for this time. It is truly a privilege.
Mexico Fundraising
I feel it’s worth mentioning that I am raising funds to go to Mexico in (as I write this) a week or so. I did a poor job of putting this out there, but I also know that God can do quite literally anything, so I am trusting Him to provide. If you’re interested in donating towards this trip, please feel free to email me for more information or go to
Where’s God?
Everywhere! But specifically:
- He’s continued to provide finances every month. He promised to give us our daily bread, and He hasn’t failed me yet!
- He has been growing me. I am excited to see what He will teach me in the next week, month, and years! He doesn’t want us to remain stagnant; the Bible says His thoughts are innumerable, so I want to know more about Him
- He has given me a community. God has used the people around me to speak into my life. Joel & Danielle’s “thing” is unity and community. They have helped to build something beautiful here!
- He’s blessed me with a supportive family. My biological family, my spiritual family, and my chosen family. I can’t believe how blessed I am to have my family of believers in addition to my immediate family.
- He’s provided consistently for everyone at the ministry. God has provided low-cost resources through places like Hornings and Blessings of Hope, or donations of food from churches, etc. They are such a blessing!
- He’s shown me grace and mercy when I truly don’t deserve it. We’re getting close to Easter, which is always a good time to take a step back and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made. Am I living what Christ paid for? Is my life a reflection of the forgiveness He has extended, or am I just the way I always have been? God’s Word is living and active; have I been allowing it to change who I am to reflect Him?
- He’s proven His trustworthiness and His steadfast, enduring love over and over. The fact that God’s name is “abounding in steadfast love” is something that I don’t reflect on enough. He is patient, merciful, gracious, steadfast, forgiving, and so much more!
Prayer Requests:
- Continued Provision! I know that God can and will provide for my needs and the needs of those around me because He’s promised it, and His faithfulness is unending. Pray with me and thank God that He is Who He says He is!
- Pray that I would find contentment and fulfillment in Christ alone, and that I would be persistent in prayer for His will, not mine. Pray for me as I seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness. He never promised that things would be easy, but He did promise to be with me through it all, and even when circumstances & emotions say otherwise, He is not a promise-breaker.
- Pray for strength and wisdom for myself and everyone else at the ministry. Especially for the men and women in leadership. There have been heavy things, but Jesus said that we should take HIS yoke and burden because they are easy and light, and in exchange, He will give us rest. Praise the Lord for that!
- Pray for the different projects happening around campus, for the finances to handle all these things, and for wisdom and protection. I know that God has provided and will, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still wonder how He’s gonna do it.
- Pray for Equip. We have some students in mind for next year for whom we are praying, and Isaac & Sam, who are just so awesome, can always benefit from others lifting them up in prayer.
- Pray for E2. Caleb and Aidan will be leaving all too soon… I almost cried the other day thinking about how much I will miss them. God has great things planned for them to do, things He has planned for a long time. I am excited to see them pursue Him after this year.
- Pray for the different aspects of the ministry: the Righteous Rides partnership, the Warehouse, the Automotive Shops, maintenance and hospitality people, the leadership, the administration, all the things!
- Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send more workers into His field (see Matthew 9:38). We need help. A few of the major areas of need are the kitchen, the office (with me!), Equip, the Warehouse, the Automotive shops, and Hospitality.
Thank you again for your support! I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to serve God with my work. I am truly so blessed to work at a job that I absolutely love! I thank you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to do this and partnering with me!
“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:13-14