November/December Newsletter – Grace

Dear Supporters,

Mission/Vocation Work:

A lot has been happening since my last newsletter. In our last few weeks up at the warehouse we were working on our forklift training with Justin. I can safely say that I did not kill anyone, but it came close a few times. Driving the forklift is… interesting. The closest comparison would probably be driving a manual, if you were going backwards and the steering was inverted that is. It is so much fun! Justin is a very good teacher, very patient. 


After wrapping things up in the warehouse, we moved on to working on maintenance with Nolan. So far we’ve done a couple of little projects around campus. This includes: fixing a couple of doors and remodeling the Darnell’s bathroom. Nolan has also been teaching us to turn wood projects on his parents’ lathe. Emi and I have both made some really cool pens! It’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through this year, time really flies. 


Personal Life:

November was a pretty short month but also very busy. My grandma and grandpa drove up from NC for Thanksgiving. I got to spend the whole week hanging out with family and eating a ton of really good food. We also had our Equip gingerbread house competition which David won. 


At the beginning of this month the losers (me, Kai, and Emi) had to put on a skit. We chose to do a sock puppet reenactment of the actual competition. It was quite hilarious and very fun to write and do. I know we all enjoyed it thoroughly. I will also be flying home to Missouri for Christmas . I’m really excited to be going home, even if it’s just for a little while. 


Prayer Requests:

  • Finances for Equip. Through the grace of God and all those who have donated I am at $3937 and only need an additional $562. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this. 
  • Traveling mercies during the holiday season.
  • Whether or not college is what God wants me to do after this year
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