November/December Equip Newsletter – Kai

Hello everyone, 

It’s Kai. Here is my newsletter. Thank you for reading from November/December; I hope you all enjoy it!


Mission/Vocation Work

I just finished my vocation working in the Body Shop with my Dad. It went by really quickly, due to the fact we went on vacation to Oregon which was amazing and they went to Holland for 10 days to see their family .  

In the Body Shop I learned how to primer a car, sand down welds, polish headlights to let the light shine clearly through. We had a good time.

Right now I started working with Nick in the garage. I really like it so far, it’s simple and easy.  My job is to clean the garage and assist Nick with working on the  cars, doing inspections, and replacing parts. I will be doing this for the next 10 weeks and I hope to learn how to maintain and be able to fix a car. 


Personal Life

I have been learning a lot about the Word and trying to apply Scripture into my life.

I started reading a book called The Measure of a Man by Dr. Gene A. Getz where he talks about 20 Dynamic Qualities a man can grow and apply to his life. Each chapter talks about one attribute. For example: how to become prudent, becoming a humble man, being a man of love and wisdom, and also applying practical ways to make things easier. These are definitely attributes I want to have. Thanks to Grace, I started reading this book. I was up in the warehouse looking for a new Bible. I didn’t find a Bible, but one of the books I laid aside while I was looking was The Measure of a Man. Grace was standing right next to me and she handed over this book and she was like “Here, read this.” I wasn’t too excited to read another book, but I took it because I can definitely grow into becoming more of a godly man, and it’s been a great book. 

We also got a new dorm leader, Dawsen, who moved in and will be helping us with whatever we need help with. He is nice and friendly, and it’s nice to have a new person on the floor.



Prayer Requests 

  • That I will understand what Nick is trying to tell me what to do 
  • To be a good helper in the Garage 
  • To become a more godly man.
  • That He will grow my Friendship with the other Equip students. 
  • To grow my support 
  • To stay focused



Greetings, Kai Sylva.

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