November Equip Newsletter – David

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student and the Fleet Officer.


Mission Work/Vocation Work

I’ve been working in the mechanic shop this past month and it’s been going really well. I’ve been learning how to do general maintenance on many types of cars like oil changes, tire changes, brake changes, and many other changes. I’ll soon be up in the warehouse since that’s my next rotation. I’m excited about it because I enjoyed working up there with Justin prior to being put in charge of car detailing (cleaning cars and making them look nice) and before Equip started.


We also have 2 work groups this month. One already came which was the Boy’s Brigade and they helped us take apart and pick up shelves that we’re sending to a pastor in Kenya who needs them for his pastoring school.


Things have been running smoothly on the loaner vehicle side of things and now that we’re in the slow season not many people are renting vehicles. The good thing is that almost all of our cars are out and being used by missionaries from all over the world.


November Personal life

  • The first week of November we went to an evangelism class at YWAM in Lancaster
    • On the first day, we learned the basics and went out street evangelizing later
    • On the second day, we went more in-depth on how it works and some practical applications
    • On the third day, we learned about impartation; then we did an impartation, which was an awesome experience
      • Impartation is the giving and receiving of spiritual gifts, blessings, healing, baptism in the Holy Spirit, etc., for the work of the ministry
      • I was filled with the joy of the Lord during it and we also saw someone receive the gift of tongues
      • I felt a calling to share that joy with others around me. Only God knows what will happen; I just have to trust Him.
    • On the fourth and final day, we learned about fear and unbelief and how to overcome them 
      • We also went evangelizing that day too. Those 2 days were a good learning experience on how to apply what we learned.
  • Our staff appreciation dinner went well and it was a lot of fun
  • We started two new classes
    • How to Study the Bible
    • Experiencing God
  • God has been teaching me to trust and rely on Him a lot this month
  • The four of us students have been getting closer and bonding a lot recently, which is great. I feel like we’re sharpening each other.


Prayer Requests

  • I still need financial support so I can pay the $4,500 I need for Equip. I am currently at $2,848 and I need $1,652. 
  • That I would pass my driver’s test and get my license
  • That God would guide and direct me on what I should do after Equip
  • That God would work through me and that His will for me willbe done 
  • I and the other students started a prayer meeting with each other and we’d like to continue it, Lord willing.

Answered requests

  • I am learning how to combat the enemy’s lies and overcome them with truth and I’m applying and putting what I learn into practice

David McDermott

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