October 2022 at CMTS

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” -Psalm 34:19

Equip Update

The month of October looked very different at the ministry. Three of the four Equip students were off campus for 2 weeks for various things: visiting sick relatives, seeing grandparents, and serving at a women’s retreat. Everyone was glad to see them return. As they settle into their new vocations, please pray for guidance in their lives. If you’re interested in supporting them, spiritually and/or financially, you can read their monthly newsletters on the website.

We will also begin promoting Equip at schools, to prepare for next year. Please pray that God opens doors and hearts to this new aspect of the ministry. We are excited to see how God will move.

Around the Ministry in Bernville, PA

It was such a blessing to serve in St Croix. My son Ace and I made the journey down during the month of October for a week. I felt led to visit the island and spend time with our friends there. They run the YWAM St Croix base. We had the honor of meeting pastors and leaders of ministries and offering them encouragement. We also got to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation on the island. I was able to have a lot of quiet time with God in prayer and thankfulness for His grace and love. Through this quiet time, I felt even more connected with God. I came home feeling even more on fire for God and with more clarity for what He has planned for CMTS.

Our September newsletter detailed the vision and potential renovation of our training center. A workgroup scheduled in November for this project had to be put on hold, as the township informed us that we needed an architect or engineer to draw plans for the building. At our morning meeting on October 12th, the team prayed for this need, and an hour later, an architect called: his aunt had seen our Facebook post, and told him to get in touch with us. God is on the move, and we were blessed to see it firsthand!


Andy and Nancy came back to the States to visit friends and family. We were excited to see them again and hear stories about how God is working and using them in their Belize ministry. They were here from October 18th-30th, but if you didn’t get a chance to see them in person, you can always stay in touch via email (contact the office for more information). Stay up to date on all they are doing in Belize by reading their newsletters.