October – Equip Newsletter David

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student and the Fleet Officer.


Mission Work/Vocation Work

I started working in the Mechanic shop this month and have learned quite a few new things. I’ve been learning how to change tires, brakes, and oil with Nick and Sam. We’ve been working on some of the other equipment. Things have been going well on the Flip Side Crew as well. I’ve been learning a lot with each of the people in charge of each area.  We have no mission trips planned until after the winter.


Things have been running smoothly on the loaner vehicle side of things and we’ve now reached the slow season of the year so not as many people will be requesting cars. The transition to our new insurance and our new way of doing things has gone over very well and we are having very few problems with it.


October Personal life

  • The first week of October we went to visit my grandpa in Wisconsin because he was put into hospice
    • The trip went really well and at the time we went my grandpa was doing very well too
    • We also visited and saw some other family members as well which was nice
  • The week we returned most of the other staff was gone so things were pretty laid back 
  • God has been teaching me a lot of things through experience as well
    • He’s been teaching me the importance of discipline
    • The importance of opening up and sharing
    • How important it is to read the Bible
    • How to rely on Him and that some things I have to do myself
    • How to be spiritually content
    • How to grow and better my relationship with Him which helps to grow and better my relationship with those around me 
  • We started a new lesson on how to study the Bible which has been very good so far
  • God has really been working through this ministry
    • We are able to provide vehicles for missionaries who come to the states to share what God has been doing in their ministries all over the world
    • The Equip program has been going well and they’re making all the adjustments that they need to for future years
    • We are sending supplies to missionaries in need in various local ministries (some out of state) and the world like Uganda, Haiti, Belize, and more
    • He has also been blessing us in various ways with money for projects and funding, volunteers to help with tasks and projects that need to be done, and more




Prayer Requests

  • I still need financial support so I can pay the $4,500 I need for Equip. I am currently at $1,550.
  • That I would take what I learn and put everything into practice 
  • To stay on guard and look out for the enemy’s lies and overcome them with truth


David McDermott


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