October Equip Newsletter – Grace

Dear Supporters,


Mission work/ Vocation work:

I think that things have finally started to slow down now that I’m fully adjusted to living here. With that in mind, every day is completely different. Especially now that Emi and I have switched to the warehouse. 


Right now my Uncle Justin has us cleaning out, packing, and manifesting a trailer that’s supposed to go to Haiti. It’s been very interesting because you have to think a lot about different weights and where everything has to go so it doesn’t shift when the container moves. He is also teaching us other things such as, how to build the boxes we use for storing things up there, and how to work a pallet jack. For those of you, like me, who don’t know what a pallet jack is, it’s the thing with the long handle that you use to move pallets. We will also be learning how to drive a forklift sometime in the near future. 


Personal Life:

At the beginning of this month, Hannah’s family held their annual cider pressing party/get-together thing. Emi and I got to go both weekends, and even were forced to got to work the cider press once. I was very excited to go and made some great memories while there. 


We had our last Christ Link meeting this week. After the meeting, we Equip students got up to our shenanigans again. Picture this: it’s cold, dark, and rainy outside. There are 4 ravenous teenagers, who didn’t have time to eat before the meeting, sitting in the backseat. Our driver, our poor dorm leader, Hannah, so graciously listened to us decide on Mcdonald’s hashbrowns, after a unanimous consensus. We get there and… they didn’t have any hashbrowns. The disappointment we all felt…


At this point, we all want hashbrowns so badly we can taste them. Blessedly, there is a Dunkin down the street. We pull up and order 9. Keep in mind, it’s like 9:30 at night so they have to make them fresh. Those 5 minutes while we were waiting were pure, utter torture. Like, I’m laughing so hard I’m sobbing, Emi is considering having me admitted, David’s talking about how he’s ready to fight someone if we don’t get our hashbrowns soon, Kai is just laughing at all of us, and Hannah is fighting for her life in the front seat as my voice reaches a sonic level that only dogs can comprehend. We probably made that employee’s whole week. And I’ll tell you what, those were the best dang hashbrowns I’ve ever had. I still get emotional remembering them.


Prayer Requests:

  • Continued provision of finances for Equip. I am currently at $1,626 of the $4,500 needed. Thank you to everyone who has financially supported me in this. 
  • That my relationships with God and the other people here continue to grow and develop. 
  • Please pray for me as I seek God’s will regarding what to do after this year.


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