October/November Equip Newsletter – Kai

Hello everyone,


Mission/Vocation Work

The last 2 months have been fantastic. Being in the Bodyshop with my dad has helped build a better relationship because spending one-on-one time with him has helped a lot. The art of bodywork is key to making an old piece look new. It takes perfection and time. I have been detailing lights and replacing exterior parts, learning to use a spray gun, and learning to weld.

We went to the junkyard to look for car parts for Andy Merrick Sr. who is currently serving and doing ministry in Belize. We got all the parts we needed. Right now we are working on a minivan to get rid of rust and bubbles to make it nice and smooth, and eventually, we are going to paint it. We are also working on a pickup truck, replacing the window, cleaning the inside with a vacuum, and cleaning the car’s interior. We want to make it just like new, so it can be used for CMTS on the property.


Personal Life 

I have been growing a lot in the Lord the last 2 months. I have become more thankful, realized how blessed I am, and become grateful for my surroundings and all the people close to me. Getting to know the other Equip students is amazing. We have a great time, and I recommend any young person who is a believer in Christ ages 18 to 25 to do Equip. You will be a better version of yourself, get to know new people, and grow your relationship with God, to some bible classes and learn some fundamentals of working in a ministry.

Last week we went to Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to learn about evangelism and gifts of the Holy Spirit like speaking in tongues, words of knowledge, and healing. We also went on the streets of Lancaster to share about the gospel, giving out gospels of John. I was pretty surprised how open people can be if you share about God’s love and what He has done for you. I also learned in the YWAM class there were 2 unconfessed sins in my life that I didn’t know about like fear and unbelief. I decided to confess it publicly to the Lord and give it all to Him. 

In October, I went to Oregon for a vacation to see my aunt and uncle and my grandparents. We went to see the mountains, drove next to the ocean, walking on the beach, went sightseeing at Thors well. I really enjoyed seeing God’s creation in a different part of the world. Oregon is my favorite vacation place to be. Since I hadn’t been on vacation since 2019, this was a relief.   


Prayer Requests 

  • That I will continue to grow my relationship with the Lord and the Spirit
  • That I will grow my relationships with the people around me
  • More support
  • That I will serve with a joyful heart, and help people with encouragement and knowledge


I hope you enjoyed this newsletter I don’t get to write as many newsletters as the other Equip students but I try to make the best out of it! 


Greetings, Kai Sylva.

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