Pete’s Post | April 2022

April 14, 2022

It has been a crazy busy four weeks since our last letter.

Lamentations 3:22-23 It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

We did finally make it to Honduras for a nine-day mission trip. The men removed a couple of old walls at the church and put up new walls. Cindy and I sanded and repainted the iron security fence around the church. We cleared 160 meters of jungle boundary line for the new Christian camp. We passed out pocket hugs to the children and showed them how to throw a frisbee and football as well as taking down many craft supplies and baby layettes. God kept us all safe and I didn’t even get a sunburn.

While we were there my (Debbie) Mom, Priscilla passed away after a bout with the flu. She wanted me to go and have a good time which we did. When we got back to Pennsylvania I hopped a plane to Maine. Ray went home and got the “new” 2002 Passat registered and drove to Maine so we would have a way back after the funeral. He also brought his new diagnostic computer just in case, but the car went well.

Pastor Taylor and Pastor Chute did the memorial service together and many people came to share memories of my Mom and hugs. The girls and I all wore her clothes and jewelry and the younger grandchildren carried her stuffed animals. It was a beautiful time and we laughed a lot. I think she would have enjoyed it. God is so very good.

We headed back to PA and left our suitcase in Maine because the car was full of Mom’s things. I got a 24-hour bug on the way but we made it without mishap.

We returned to find lots of cards waiting for us along with a beautiful hydrangea bush.

Kalie was happy to see me after almost three weeks.

Your prayers were powerfully evident along with God’s faithfulness. Thanks for your bountiful gifts and prayers that enable us to serve Him.

Psalm 89:1 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.

Debbie & Ray

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