Pete’s Post | April 2023

Matthew 9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.


We did get to Maine to celebrate Christmas and Easter. I made sixteen teddy bears for the grandchildren. I got to see some folks that I hadn’t seen for a year. It’s always great to be in our home church and it actually happened to be the weekend of the ladies breakfast so I got extra hugs.


Only two more weeks of Good News Club before summer. Speaking of which it is going to hit 90 here today. Everything is in bloom and it’s gorgeous. I can’t even imagine the beauty in heaven.


The Equip program is quickly wrapping up for this session. There are several open house days planned if you know a young person who might be interested. They just returned from the mission trip to Mexico and next month they go on one to Kentucky. I hope to continue working with the Equip students doing cooking, sewing and Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.


Ray has been swapping out light fixtures and laying new flooring and other assorted maintenance projects.


The septic system is finally started. It is a huge project requiring so much sand that they can’t produce it fast enough to bring all at once.


Ray is hoping to buy a bus to make into a motor home so we can travel and work with other missions after we retire from here, hopefully another five years, God willing.


Thanks for your faithfulness that allows us to do this.


Debbie & Ray 207-322-0307 and 207-322-0308

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