Pete’s Post | February 2023

A lot has happened in two months.

I’m on the mend. Saw the surgeon Monday and he released me from PT. Yesterday was my first day out without a cane. Riding in a vehicle is still very painful and we still hope to go to Maine in March to celebrate Christmas. If you want to get together for an update let us know. I will probably be there longer than Ray since I’m not working in the kitchen now.

Friends invited us to go to Hawaii with them to celebrate their 50th anniversary. We went and had a marvelous week. The lymphedema was bad but the salt water helped a lot.

Ray is going to head up maintenance here now since the changes in the car program should lighten the workload in the automotive shop. Some of the major projects for this spring are reroofing the main building and the new septic system. There are also plans in the works for a new large general-purpose building that will among other things house the Equip dorms and classrooms.

If you know anyone aged 18-25 who might be interested in a gap year program, check out the website. There are two Open Houses, one in March, about the program.

We had a well-attended fundraising banquet last night at Shady Maple.

Our friends from Massachusetts were able to come for twenty-four hours to visit. We always look forward to company.

meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ,

Colossians 4:3

Our Pastor asked us to start small group Bible study on the first and third Wednesdays. We had nine people the first week. Please pray that God will have His way in that and every other aspect of our lives as we seek to serve Him.

Thanks for your faithful that allows us to do this.

Debbie & Ray (207)322-0307 and (207)322-0308

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