Pete’s Post | January 2025

Psalm 71:18 Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, until I proclaim Your power to the next generation, Your might to all who are to come.


Good News Club was canceled today because of road conditions. Pray everyone will be back next Thursday.


We are back to our monthly craft day for Operation Christmas Child. Dresses are also in the making.


Our Wednesday night small group is still going well.


The four containers that shipped to  YWAM St. Vincent & the Grenadines, for hurricane relief have arrived safely, been unloaded and are being put to use.


We are preparing a shipment to Kenya February 14th. This shipment is going to Situma who has a Bible college and is in the process of starting a medical facility to help those in need.


We are having a Food Fest March 7th. We will be celebrating just a few of the places that have been impacted by CMTS. Our God is so generous to us and has made it possible for our ministry to help so many other ministries. There will be classic dishes from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Canada, Mexico, India, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. We will also be raffling off baskets, and have a silent auction for some of the bigger items. It’s going to be a great night and we would love to have you join us! Tickets are $20 each and the event is from 6pm to 9pm. This would be a great time to visit especially if you know anyone who might be interested in the Equip gap year program.


There are many mission trips coming up in the near future. I won’t list them all today.


The Equip students and some of the CMTS staff are going on a mission trip to Mayreau February 19th -March 1st.


Ray and I are planning to go with our church back to Honduras in August to do more work on the Christian camp that is being established there. I have enclosed a separate letter about that.


Thirteen months until the date we hope to switch to mobile ministry and head out via our bus to serve with one of the Christian rv organizations where God reveals a need. There is much work to be done before that and I am getting nervous, although Ray says that is plenty of time. The demolition is coming along. All the seats are removed but we still need to purchase and install all the appliances.


Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to follow Him and thank you so much.


Debbie and Ray Pete

(207) 322-0307

(207) 322-0308


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