Pete’s Post | May 2023

John 17:26 “And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.”

Good News Club ended in the best way. I was able to share the gospel with a little girl and she asked Jesus into her heart.

The Equip program is quickly wrapping up for this session. They go on their final mission trip to Kentucky at the end of this week. There are three signed up for the next session so far. It is a ten-month discipleship gap program for students between the ages of 18-25 who are feeling God’s call to do more but want to figure out what that looks like.

The septic system is finally started. It is a huge project and they still need $36,000 to get it finished.

Ray has found a coach bus that is available for $2500, to make into a motor home so we can travel and work with other missions after we retire from here, in another five years, God willing.

Our small group is going well and friendships are being strengthened.

We were able to go to a short marriage conference with three other couples from our church and study the book of Ecclesiastes as it relates to marriage.

We celebrated thirty-nine years of marriage on Friday by riding the roller coasters at Six Flags. We enjoyed six before the rain started and that was probably enough for my knee.

I will be taking the train to Maine again Wednesday, May 17 to help out some friends. Ray will be driving up Memorial weekend to visit and bring me back. Prayers for safety are always appreciated.

There is a Christian school group here today working and one of the projects they did was help Ray clean out the rotted container by our house so it can go away.

Thanks for your faithfulness that allows us to do this.

Debbie & Ray



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