Pete’s Post | November 2022

Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Well, I got done in the kitchen a month ago and it hasn’t been as bad as I expected.

We went to Oklahoma for two weeks to help a friend who is waiting on lung transplants.

I have been teaching the Equip ladies to sew. We have made forty-plus pillowcase dresses for Operation Christmas Child.

I am the OCC drop-off leader for the location at our church. Last night we had our first packing party and filled 250 shoe boxes. We will do the same next Sunday. The 14th-21st is collection week. Pray for the boxes to have the proper items that will be a blessing to those who receive them and they will be a tool to bring many to salvation. Pray for the safety of the teams and drivers and each step of the delivery and gospel presentation. Their goal this year is 11 million shoe boxes each with a clear, fruitful gospel presentation.

I met with another surgeon who agreed to do the knee replacement two days before Thanksgiving, November 22, so I won’t be coming to Maine for the holidays. I received clearance from the insurance this week.

A friend, Cindy, went to Maine with me last week. It was our first time on Amtrak and everything was wonderful until they didn’t let us off at our return destination. We made it back and our Husbands found us eventually.

Still waiting on materials to replace the septic system.

Joel’s mission trip to St Croix went well and they were able to make many connections for shipping and possible future mission trips.

Thanks for praying.

Debbie & Ray
(207)322-0307 and (207)322-0308

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