September Newsletter – David McDermott

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. I’m David McDermott and I would like to share what God has been doing in my life at CMTS as an Equip Student and the Fleet Officer.


Mission Work/Vocation Work

I’ve been working with Doug in the Detail Shop for the past few months which has been fun. Currently, we are working on our green 12-passenger which we send out with missionaries who are in need of a vehicle that size. Right now we’re sanding down the roof and removing any rust that can ruin or mess up the primer or paint that we will put on later this month hopefully. I have also been cleaning cars for missionaries that loan our cars from us. Next week I will be moving on to the Mechanic shop with Nick, Ray, and Sam where I will be learning how to do maintenance work on cars and other vehicles. I helped Hilda with preschool by putting a wooden train set together and testing checking which parts need to be fixed. 


As the Fleet Officer, I’m in charge of scheduling and making sure our vehicles are going out with missionaries on time. God called me to join CMTS as the Fleet Officer before I joined Equip and balancing the two has been a challenge. Fortunately, I am getting used to things and I should be able to iron everything out during the slow season coming up because not as many requests come in the winter as they do in the summer. Things were rough with our insurance dropping us but we now have things settled. We will still loan vehicles out to missionaries but they will have to provide their own insurance rather than us providing it for them


September Personal life

  • We’ve currently been attending Celebrate  Recovery which is a ministry that helps with all sorts of hurts, habits, and hang-ups and I’ve learned quite a bit from it
    • An example: on our third trip the lesson was about voluntarily submitting our lives to God and choosing to let him change and work in us 
  • I recently turned 20 thanks to the grace of God and I went to the Hamburger fest and bowling to celebrate, which was fun
  • I’m still getting used to living on my own
    • The biggest challenge is planning meals
  • I’m also still getting used to building and maintaining friendships
  • God has been teaching and growing me a lot this month
    • He has been teaching me how important it is to study His Word 
    • He has been showing me areas that I need to work on and learn 
    • Everything that has been happening, God has been using to grow and teach me 
    • I feel like God has used this month to be a refining stage for me spiritually
    • He’s also been teaching me how to see and understand things through prayer
    • He has also been teaching me how to rely on and trust in Him
    • God has revealed that He has given me the gift of leadership and He has been teaching me all that comes with that
  • The classes have been going well; I’ve been learning a lot from them
    • We’re learning apologetics on Monday
    • Studying the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan on Tuesday
    • Studying the book The Lie Evolution on Thursday
  • We also went to a Christ Link (they’re a small Christian business that does and teaches web design to both profit and nonprofit organizations) meeting this month which was also interesting and I learned quite a bit from it
  • We also went to the Denver fair which was fun



Prayer Requests

  • I’m still working on getting financial support so I can pay the $4,500 I need for Equip. I am currently at $1,550.
  • That I would be willing and have the strength, wisdom, and discernment to apply what I learn and continue to practice them after I learn them
  • That I would have the strength, wisdom, and discernment on how to handle my spiritual life and keep it healthy and growing


David McDermott