Smith Family Newsletter | July 2024

Mission Work

July is over! What a July it was! I am actually going to have to include 2 additional Mission Work pages. There is just too much to cover, God is so good! 

We had a week-long work group and a one day work group this month! We love our work groups. We have been getting in a good influx of work groups and all different ages and genders. I really love seeing people serve at all ages and wherever they can!

Our one day work group was an awesome group of ladies that helped make crafts and projects for Operation Christmas Child with our amazing staff member Debbie Pete

Our week-long work group was a great mix of families, youth, and adults! They helped paint a house, clean out our walk in fridge/freezer, prep Bibles to hand out, and made us all lunch one day! Woo-hoo! 

We had our Supporter Appreciation Dinner!! It was a great night to get together with so many that have kept CMTS running with prayers, time, donations, and finances! All which are so needed! Thank you all!! 

A constant prayer request we have here is more staff, one of which is a front desk receptionist to help Hannah. Another prayer request is more housing; we are really in need of housing as well. This is such a great problem to have, but still a problem.  


We pray for a heart like God’s, to break like His breaks, to have compassion like He has compassion. I am so thankful God has been using us for so many things, but so many things are breaking my heart. The devastation and loss in Mayreau after Hurricane Beryl is so bad. It makes me cry, but I am so thankful that God put this burden to help His workers on our hearts so heavily. I am so thankful for a husband that runs to help our friends in need, who lost everything: their home, their ministry, and they were not there to comfort their community in their time of need. They are there now, but it still is so heavy. Joel went down with Ben, another Joel, and a man named Shannon to assess the damage, save what they could, and pray with the people. They were able to cover all the roofs and Ben & Jes allowed the government to put first aid and supplies in their one building that was still mostly standing. The government purchased a tarp to cover the roof so they could continue to operate and it helped save the rest of the building. We will be sending 4-6 40′ long sea shipping containers to Mayreau in the next 5-6 months. The Warehouse is going to be a busy place! Praise God we have so much of what they need for the community and their home.  


Our Canada trip! We went for 7 days, stayed in campers, and cooked/ate outside all week. It was an awesome camping trip. One of the original visions of CMTS, from 1982, was to send work groups out to aid ministries in need and help them repair, build, or replace physical needs. We can successfully say we did that this week.

This group helped take a HUGE leap to completing a staff home for this ministry. They also built a fence at a local church around their front steps in a First Nations community where drugs and alcohol are very widespread. This church’s front porch was used for those activities every night and the staff at the church was having to clean up broken bottles and used needles every day. The neighbors were also thankful for taking away this hang out spot so they could sleep, and it encouraged them to come over and talk with the pastor of the church. We just got word they have attended church! What a blessing to be a part of! 

We got to build a goat house from parts of 2 lean-to’s. These goats provide ministry opportunities as well as food. The best part of this trip was we got to bless these ministries with more time to focus on people. They can spend less time cleaning up needles, bottles, or trying to finish a home and focus on the people they are serving. So great!

Home Life

Parker wanted fruit pizza for her dessert, French toast casserole for her breakfast, mac and cheese for her lunch, and chicken parm for her dinner.

Peyton went to Word of Life Island Camp for a week this month. This was our last potty break spot before we made it to Schroon Lake in New York. It was a 5 1/2 hour drive, but it was so great getting so much one on one time with him. We are also super grateful for scholarships! He spent a week learning new things about God, having to make friends in a whole new area and in a new environment. He did amazingly at that, of course! LOL but he also is growing. That is also from his crazy good youth leaders. I really cannot thank them enough. This month has brought a lot of new seasons with Peyton, but he is doing so well. 

Parker & Jase went to CEF Good News Day Camp for a week this month! This was their wacky hair/hat day!

Went Wedding Dress shopping with Devin and the ladies!! This was such a great day!!! Then we all went out for Chick-fil-a. 

Homeschool Corner

Still in prep mode for next year! Making copies, organizing work stations, getting schedules in order! School here we come soon!

Prayer Requests

  • Support: We are still not fully supported and are actively raising support.
  • Homeschool: that is an ever going prayer
  • Guidance, wisdom, and discernment as God leads us as we lead the ministry.
  • Our smaller family car had the engine blow a piston rod, we need a whole engine repair or replacement. Prayer for finding an engine that is low in miles and affordable and funds to pay for this repair.

Ministry Prayer Requests

  • Mission Trips: Prayer for getting connected with people to match needs for teams
  • Shipping: We have many shipping containers going out soon full of supplies to help ministries share the gospel around the world!
  • Staff: We are in need of another front office staff member and another mechanic to meet our growing needs in those areas.


Family Needs


We are very grateful for the team of supporters we have. Thank you! We are currently at $2,500 monthly and where we need to be is $3,570. This covers what we need to live each month as this is our only income. It has been by the grace and provision of God that we are making it. We could really use your help. Prayers and awareness of this need to others is much appreciated!


Would you like to join our team? We need your help to continue to accomplish God’s vision for us at the ministry. Would you join us as a monthly supporter so we can continue the work God has started? We want to take you along for the journey and we would be honored to be able to share the experience with you. You would become part of the team and we would share how God is working and the impact it is having on His Kingdom. Please pray and ask God if you should join us.

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