Smith Family Newsletter | November 2022

Mission Work

The very beginning of November, Joel and Nolan took the students to YWAM Lancaster for 4 days to learn how to evangelize. Both ministries as an entire group went out to street evangelize 2 different days. The first time they went to downtown Lancaster and handed out gospel tracks; the 2nd day they went to a park in Lititz and just asked people if they could pray for them. It was an impactful week and it was so great seeing the students grow and be bold in their faith. The week of Thanksgiving the students, Nolan, and Joel went into Reading to help a local ministry hand out frozen turkeys and pray with those they had the opportunity to meet. They then set up a table during dinner and intentionally sought people out to see who God prompted them to talk to.

A workgroup (The Boy’s Brigade) stayed with us for a weekend. They helped us take down shelving donated from a local library to will be used at a Christian College in Kenya. After the work day, we took them for a short hike at an AWESOME lookout to rest and see the beauty of where we live.


Home Life

Ace is no longer working for the horse farm, so he and Peyton interviewed for jobs at Boyer’s Market. Unfortunately, they could not work enough hours for what they needed, but Ace has been helping at Reinhart’s Christmas Tree Farm and is loving it!

Ace bought his first car this month. He has to fix a few things on it first, but soon he will have his permit and be learning to drive!

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Joel’s side of the family at the mission. His parents are still building their home, but it is almost complete! They are hoping by Christmas. We celebrated with my side at my mom’s place and it was really great to see a bunch of family that I don’t get to see all the time.


Homeschool Corner

November was Fire Safety Month at co-op. The kids got to learn about fireman gear, explore the ladder truck, and what to do if you get caught in a room during a fire! Scary stuff, but glad they are being told.

We had a short week for Thanksgiving Break, to give all of us some time to take a break and enjoy the holiday.

Parker built a bird house with Joel. We are looking for a good place to hang it!


Prayer Requests

  • Support: We are still not fully supported and are actively raising support.
  • Housing: CMTS is looking into building more housing and one will be for us. We are living in a small apartment above the office currently. With 8 people, it can get a little tight! LOL
  • Homeschool: that is an ever going prayer
  • Guidance, wisdom, and discernment as God leads us as we lead the ministry.


Family Needs


We are currently at $1,050 monthly and where we need to be is $3,570. It has been by the grace and provision by God that we are making it. We could really use your help. Prayers and awareness of this need to others is much appreciated!

Here is further breakdown in each category:

Retirement: We are saving up to retire one day and being a good steward with our time in the future.

Misc.: Savings for emergencies and medical expenses like braces and casts. Education and field trips. Fun days with the kids as a family out, date nights with Joel & I (Danielle), and saving each month for vacations.

Transportation: gas, car insurance, maintenance, and repairs.

Living expenses: electricity, propane, internet, cell phones, clothing, food, and household items.


We were blessed with one-time gifts again. You all are amazing! Thank you so much!


Would you like to join our team? We need your help to continue to accomplish God’s vision for us at the ministry. Would you join us as a monthly supporter so we can continue the work God has started? We want to take you along for the journey and we would be honored to be able to share the experience with you. You would become part of the team and we would share how God is working and the impact it is having on His Kingdom. Please pray and ask God if you should join us.

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