Stories with Sandra | September | Issue #1


It’s been an amazing month and beginning here at CMTS! I started working on September 11th and moved in on the 15th. I can’t believe it’s been a month already! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of CMTS! Our main focus when I moved in was getting everything ready for the roof project which included housing for guests coming in to help, setting up all the scaffolding, and making sure we had all the materials needed. The roof project started on the 18th, and went on for the next three weeks! Two weeks longer than anticipated! The roof wasn’t complete until October 6th. All the volunteers, staff members, and Equip students did a great job working together and making it as enjoyable as roofing could be.

Things are going back to the normal grove of things now that the roof is done. The Equip students are focusing on their vocations and classes once again. I have begun to step into the second part of my job which is the Outreach Coordinator. As for the rest of the staff they are returning to their normal duties in the shops, warehouse, and such. 

One thing I will greatly miss about the roof project is having not only lunch with everyone but dinner too! I love the thought of being connected with brothers and sisters in Christ on a soul level. This community that we can share with Christ and believers is unlike anything you will ever find elsewhere. It runs deeper than the blood we share with our biological family. Through Christ, we are adopted as His sons and daughters and can be a part of a greater calling that began 2,000 years ago! Wow! That is amazing and hard to comprehend, but amazing nonetheless.

Danielle, Hannah, Karly, and I had a girls night. Of course, we had to get pictures at the fork in the road and get ice cream. Hannah has become this weird older sister to me. It’s like that thing you don’t realize you’re missing till you have it and then wonder how you’ve gotten so far in life without it. 


In September I got the opportunity to go on a camping trip with Wyatt’s family to Elk County! We had an amazing time and got to see the elk in Benezett and hear them bugle! Little did I know I would come home from this trip engaged and planning a wedding! Wyatt and I are super excited for this next season in our lives, and so thankful for the family we have around us. Isabella had a birthday and got a really nice camera so she offered to take our engagement photos! We had an awesome time together hanging out and making jokes. And on the plus side, Isabella did an incredible job!! There are no words to express how much I love her. Maybe my saying she is my best friend could justify it.

Here at CMTS, we love to do harmless pranks on each other. This month I was the victim of two! The theme was “hiding Sandra’s stuff in plain sight”. Lesson learned to not leave my things in the dining room from now on! 

Some of you may not know that I got the opportunity to serve on the youth staff at PGCC! This is a picture of our house group Cora! Havilah and I get the pleasure of leading this group of Jr. High students this year! We are so thankful and blessed for this opportunity to serve together in this ministry. 

Prayer Requests  

  • Me and Wyatt’s engagement that we would stay in God’s will, be pure in all that we do, and grow closer to the Lord. 
  • My family as they are continuing to adjust to me moving out.
  • Jr. High youth group every week, that our students would open up their hearts to Jesus and want to know Him more! 
  • That the Lord would reach more people through this ministry and guide us in what His perfect will is. 
  • Thank you all so much for your support both financially and through prayer. This job isn’t always easy but your prayers and financial gifts are a huge blessing and are greatly appreciated.

Would you join Sandra as a monthly supporter so she can continue the work God has started? She would be honored to be able to share the experience with you and make you part of the team. As she shares how God is working and the impact she is having on His Kingdom, please pray and ask God if you should partner with her a monthly donor/supporter.