Sylva Slices | February 2023

Dear Friends & Family,

Greetings, Hilda & I are thankful for God’s care and ministry that He has given us here at CMTS. The car program continues to bless missionaries with transportation while they are on furlough; something that seems so normal to me, but I am still privileged to be a part of.

The work is undergoing some changes; CMTS offers a gap year program called ‘Equip’ for young people aged 18-25, who want to learn more about our Heavenly Father, get direction in their lives, and become skilled in different trades. They start the day with Bible study classes and chores, the afternoons are practical training. Every quarter the students rotate to a new area of work.

Hilda has one of the students to help with some general cleaning of the dining room area, outside yard work, and with her preschool once a week. I have been training and mentoring in the Auto Body shop as we work on fleet cars. We also have had students over for dinners and have taken them out occasionally on the weekends.

Once every two weeks a rehab group called Restart comes and I have had the opportunity to teach a young man named Tim how to weld, he got out of prison and is now determined to finish this program well. He has been very thankful to be in the shop, to learn a part of the trade, and for the time that I have been able to share with him about how God helped me to be a husband and father!

We visited my parents in Oregon, in October.

Psalm 17:8 says “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of Your wings.”

I am reminded as a child of God that I am in Christ: That He sees me and that He reminds me of His presence in my life and His love for me.

We are thankful for all of you who take part in sharing & praying with us. We would appreciate your prayers for the following:

  • Our focus on Jesus with discipleship opportunities we have.
  • As I teach and train in the shop and plan the work
  • For Hilda’s time with the Equip students
  • For both Hilda’s and my parents as they have both moved and are having to make big adjustments in their lives
  • God’s protection and that we may continue to effectively serve

God Bless you, Hilda and Doug Sylva.

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