What Should I Do After High School?

What Should I Do After Highschool As A Christian?

As a senior in high school that is a Christian, it can be challenging to decide what to do after you graduate. It can seem like the decision you are going to make will change your whole life. It can change your life! But if you make the wrong decision, the good news is, it isn’t the end of the world. You will learn and grow from the decisions you make each year. What is most important in your life is following Christ and continuing to grow in your relationship with Christ.

I Don’t Know What I Want To Do After High School

That’s completely normal! A lot of adults are still trying to figure out what they want to do. As a Christian, it is vital that you ask God what He wants you to do after high school. Taking time to pray and consider His will for your life is so important. During your high school senior year and the years following, there can be so much noise from family and friends, people judging you for not going to college, or people who try to put expectations on you.

The only opinion that matters in your life is God’s. Throughout the whole decision process, ask God first and pursue Him.

Your Options After High School As A Christian

Sometimes it feels like there are no options after high school; other days it can feel like there are too many options. What you do after graduating should be an exciting time where you experience life and discover what you want to learn about. Finding the right job, internship, college program, gap year program, or missions trip will get your life post-high school started.

We are going to save the obvious options (college, workforce, and military) for the end of this list.

1. Serve God with your first year out of high school

Choosing to give God your first year out of high school is an excellent way to grow closer to God. By tithing your time, you will spend a year getting closer to God, learning about His will for your life, and gaining clarity on your future.

2. Serve God on a missions trip after you graduate

Going on a missions trip after high school will stretch you in your faith more than you may have done in the past. There are a variety of short-term missions trips or local missions options where you can serve.

3. Learn & serve at a Christian gap year program

A Christian gap year program is one of the best options for a Christian after they graduate. You are able to learn and receive experiential training and do hands-on work while also being able to serve God and learn more about Him. One of the best gap year programs is the Equip program. Our gap year program has short-term missions trips you can experience, and classes where you will learn about God, how to manage your finances, and gain skills in different industries. There is no limit to what our gap year program provides.

4. Find an internship program after high school

The climbing cost of college and insurmountable debt has produced a lot of high school grads; many have started focusing on internships where they get hands-on experience in a field they are interested in. Most businesses have internship options, but even if they do not, you should still try. An internship experience is an excellent way to get experiential knowledge within a specific industry or field.

5. Join the workforce after high school

No matter what you do in life, you will have to work. On top of that, work is more difficult since sin entered the world; God told Adam in the garden of Eden that he would have to work and toil (Genesis 3:17). When working, we are also called to work with all of our hearts as if we are working for God rather than human masters (Colossians 3:23). We should also enjoy our work because it is our lot in life (Ecclesiastes 3:22). Enter the workforce after high school, but do it on God’s terms.

6. Attend a college

A lot of people still go to college despite the price. If you do attend college and are undecided, it would be wise to attend a community college where you can take classes that will help you to determine what you would like to major in. Attending a Christian college has a lot of benefits because it can support your growth as a Christian.

7. Join a branch of the military

Many Christians join the military and serve our country while also representing Christ to the people with whom they serve. No matter where you are, representing Christ well and continuing to grow in your relationship with Him is vital.

Your Relationship With God After High School

No matter what you choose to do after high school, there are two things you should continue to do in your relationship with Chris:

1. Learn about God and apply it to your life

While people can teach you some things of use, nothing is better than the Bible and what you can learn from it and most of all from God. Learn about God and put it into practice.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Philippians 4:9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

2. Serve God after graduating high school

No matter what you choose to do after high school, we recommend getting involved with your church. Serving is a great way to get experiential, hands-on knowledge and learn different skills. By serving people in your church, or people at a Christian nonprofit, you will grow closer to God and learn EQ skills that are necessary for the future.

Matthew 20:25-28 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Join Our Equip Gap Year Program For Christians

CMTS Ministries cares about serving God. We know the struggles high school seniors face. That is why we have developed the Equip gap year program. This gap year is designed to provide a well-rounded experience that gives you a variety of hands-on opportunities to learn new skills, from mechanics to warehouse and culinary. Additionally, there are a collection of classes focused on growing your knowledge and relationship with God, learning how to manage your finances, or learning skills in career and job interview skills.

No matter if you want to be a missionary or enter the workforce, you will be equipped with skills, experiences, and knowledge. Contact us at equip@cmtsministries.com to learn more about the Equip discipleship gap year program.

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