Short Term Mission Trips

Glennville, Georgia

December of 2023 we had an awesome crew of 18 people go down and help finish the interior of the office/home. Annette has had great help in continuing that project, and she now needs help with building dorms to house the youth that will be discipled in this area.

Their vision is to continue training and equipping the men, women, and youth in Georgia. This is a work trip and less of an evangelizing trip, but we should be sharing our testimony everywhere we go ALL the time. We never step away or push aside what Jesus has done in our lives, so as we go into town, we will pray with people, talk to people, tell people who we are and what Jesus did for us after we accepted Him!

  • Cost: $750, includes all transportation (12 & 15 passenger vans), housing, & food 
  • Dates:
    • Deadline to sign up & submit $100 deposit - March 2, 2025
    • Deadline for remaining $650 - April 13, 2025
  • Target Team: People who are flexible and excited to serve. This trip is family friendly!
  • Preferred Skillset: A mix of skilled laborers (general builders, carpenters, electricians, concrete work) and people willing to evangelize or pray with the people we will encounter throughout the entire week.
  • Impact: The dorms built will help the next generation of young believers develop both their skills and their faith, similar to the Equip program at CMTS.

Email if you have any questions or need assistance filling out your application.

We can't wait for you to join us in Serving & Equipping those who serve Christ!

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