Summer Interns

Who We Are

CMTS Ministries is a Christian non-profit dedicated to serving and equipping those who serve Christ. Since 1981, we have been a full-time ministry serving missionaries by providing vehicles for rental or purchase, low-cost vehicle repairs, necessary equipment, and supplies.

What We Offer

We have 4 openings for our 8-week summer internship program. While at the ministry, we offer rent-free housing in the dorms, as well as a monthly stipend.

Automotive Shop

Auto Mechanic, Diesel, & Small Engines

The mechanics in the Automotive Shop offer low-cost vehicle repair services to missionaries, ministries, pastors, and church or parachurch organizations.


Applications Open

Auto Body Shop

Auto Collision, Detailing, & Welding

The Auto Body Shop cleans, repairs, and maintains vehicles for the Righteous Rides fleet and CMTS Ministries staff.


Applications Open


Inventory, Forklift Certification, & Large Equipment

Warehouse staff and volunteers receive donations, inventory them, then prepare pallets of essential supplies for local communities and international ministries/missionaries.


Applications Open

General Maintenance

Construction, Masonry, Plumbing, & Electrical

The Maintenance team keeps up with the grounds, buildings, staff houses, dorms, and much more on our spacious 52-acre campus.


Applications Open

Office Administration

Web Design, Internet Marketing, & Social Media

The CMTS Front Office maintains the website and social media presence, interacts with missionaries receiving vehicles, and organizes events for staff community or fundraising.


Applications Open


Cooking, Cleaning, Landscaping, & Event Planning

The Hospitality team works in the background cleaning, feeding staff/visitors physically and spiritually, beautifying the campus, and organizing volunteers for workdays.


Applications Open

Our Internship Experience

The Campus & Housing

CMTS is located on 52 acres of beautiful countryside in rural Bernville, PA. We are between Allentown and Harrisburg, far enough away to enjoy the peace and beauty of God's creation. Since 1981, we have been a full-time ministry serving missionaries by providing vehicles, equipment, and supplies. There are 7 single-family homes, an automotive shop, body shop, warehouse, and a main house with apartments, dorm rooms, and offices. On-campus rent-free housing is provided for interns.

The Staff

Our staff is an amazing mix of people from all around the world including many different age groups representing different stages of life, from college to retirement.

Most staff live on-site, allowing for fellowship and opportunities to learn from and grow with each other.

Support Based Internship

At CMTS, all staff, students, and interns are considered state-side missionaries, meaning their income is support-based. For the next 8 weeks, that will be you! As you talk to friends and family, let them know what you will be doing, so that they can support you. It’s exciting for others to see how God is working through you. In 1 Corinthians 9:11-12, Paul talks about being compensated for his work:


“Since we have planted spiritual seed among you, aren’t we entitled to a harvest of physical food and drink? If you support others who preach to you, shouldn’t we have an even greater right to be supported? But we have never used this right. We would rather put up with anything than be an obstacle to the Good News about Christ.”


There are many ways to raise support, from social media to writing letters, and anything in between. Our staff are willing to help you as you seek financial support for your internship, and many of them have written support letters throughout the years. If you plan to mail or hand out support letters, but don’t know where to start, here’s a template that we offer to new staff and students:

You Are A Missionary

One of the most important things we do everywhere we work, shop, eat, visit, etc. is take Jesus with us. We are the hands and feet of Jesus no matter where we go, from taking vacations to running errands! At CMTS, our mindset is that YOU ARE A MISSIONARY.

We will challenge you to step down into ministry and serve like Jesus did. See John 13:1-17 for just one of many examples.

Flip Side Crew

An act of stepping down into ministry that we have at CMTS is Flip Side Crew. For 3 days a week, interns partner with our hospitality staff to help keep the campus fed, cleaned, and maintained. Interns will spend some time in the kitchen, cleaning, and landscaping.


Jesus flipped the world upside down when, as the King of kings, He served the ones who should have been worshipping and serving Him.

Blessed Are the Flexible

The CMTS Founder, Andy Merrick, has a saying:

Blessed are the flexible, for they won't get bent out of shape.

Flexibility is a crucial part of being a missionary. Throughout the day, God causes certain circumstances to happen, which will form and change us to look more like Jesus, if we are obedient. We try to be open to heeding God's direction as He guides us, and this includes changing our plans for the day into something else entirely.

Why Interning with CMTS is Different

This internship experience is different from others. You will become a part of the community on campus, living, working, and doing life all together, while glorifying Jesus and seeking His Kingdom. You will be actively serving others in various capacities, in addition to furthering your skills in your chosen vocation.


We can't wait to have you join us for the summer!