Noecker Newsletter | August – October 2023

Let’s try a cold open on this one.


August Highlights

  • August seems so long ago, that I almost can’t remember what I did. That’s why I’d decided to start writing newsletters more regularly… but then I got behind once and it all fell apart.
  • I got to spend time with my cousins Alicia and Ellie at the Schuylkill County Fair. Being at CMTS has filled my schedule in a good way, so while I see them less than I would like to, I love and appreciate the time I get to spend with them all the more.
  • On August 5th, our 4 new students moved on campus. Their first (well technically third) night here, we had a group dinner to get to know them a little better. An hour later, Danielle and Joel thought playing a little prank on them might be fun when they’d left to go to Walmart. That started a series of pranks, which I would love to say have since died down but if anything, they’re steadily building. I’m sure they’re going to feature quite a bit in this next year of newsletters, so I’d like to talk about them quickly. They’re all a ton of fun and I really, really, REALLY love each of them. I always go alphabetically down the list of them mentally, so I’ll do that here too.
    • Aidan is the first student we got from the website! He’s the one who emailed over the summer; his email name is “A Random Skeleton”, which made me think, “This has to be spam” but I took it seriously, and lucky for us, he wasn’t spam. Aidan is awesome and has a ridiculous sense of humor. His work ethic is crazy- actually, all of them have great work ethics. He’s one of the main “pranksters” and definitely one of the loudest, most rambunctious of the group. But when it comes to important things like packing the Haiti container, helping with the roof project (more on that later), and things of the like, he’s invested in not only the work but the vision behind it. Aidan has a great heart, and I’m excited to see how he’s grown at the end of the year. He also has a good attitude about pretty much everything. Even if he really doesn’t want to do something, he might complain about it, but he’ll still be respectful and do the work well anyway. Also, Aidan’s good at giving uplifting, encouraging compliments to everyone but himself. Aidan and Donnie’s favorite game is “Bully Hannah”. I’m slowly learning to always keep my phone locked, my car keys hidden, and my valuable items out of reach…
    • Caleb was our first student to sign up for the year. He and his dad came from New York for an Open House last December, but he worked and saved to join the program for almost a year prior to that. He heard about us when a family member purchased a car from us and Danielle gave him a tour of the campus. Now listen, Caleb is “really something”. He’s like a 90-year-old trapped in a 19-year-old’s body; if people aren’t calling him the Mennonite (it’s just the way he dresses, he’s not actually Mennonite), they’re calling him Gramps or Grandpa. He loves to wander around campus, look at all the old cars, and find mini side-projects to do in his spare time. Just talking to him for 5 minutes, it will become obvious he’s very passionate about cars and anything to do with automotive stuff. And he is especially obsessed with station wagons. He made a practice webpage dedicated to station wagons… It’s interesting, to say the least. We thought that Caleb was the more reserved of the group, but over time his personality and sass have shown through. Caleb walks around singing old hymns and has such a smiley personality that he’s a pleasure to be around.
    • Donnie is… Well, Donnie is Donnie. He’s the student who did his Senior Service Project last year in the office with me. If not for Donnie, I wouldn’t have been able to organize the titles nearly as well or quickly as I had. While he was here, I had asked him about his plans after high school, and when he said he wasn’t sure, I so helpfully informed him about this really great gap year program called Equip that’s having an Open House soon, and he should definitely check it out. After much nail-biting and suspenseful waiting, we FINALLY got a “fine, yes, I’ll join the program” out of him. (For his side of the story, you should read his introductory blog post on the website.) Donnie says that his goal for the year is to make me regret inviting him to that Open House. Spoiler alert: that’s impossible. Anyway, Donnie is fun, annoyingly funny, and has a big personality that he’s more than willing to share with those around him. If there are shenanigans to be done, he is there. During the roofing project, when he was dog-tired from working all day, he would still be in the kitchen helping to clean up and berating me for not having him and the others come help. His presence fills and lights up a room. Donnie is the one who first called me the “weird older sister”, which Sandra has also started calling me now. 
    • Logan was the skin-of-his-teeth student. The last week of open enrollment, I started making a 3-student list of dates for vocations and Flip Side Crew, and the next morning I came into the office to find an application in the email. He was supposed to join another gap year program, but it shut down before it started, so he shopped around and found us! Personally (this might sound mean but oh well), I’m glad that his plans were changed. This year wouldn’t be the same without him. Of the 4, Logan is much less interested in cars, but he doesn’t let that stop him from learning. He’s more of a tech/computer guy but looks at this year as an opportunity to experience and learn new things. He’s the one I can talk about nerd stuff with. Logan likes to tell lots of dad jokes, puns, pretty much anything that would make a normal person groan or roll their eyes. I wish I was kidding. He wrote an awesome introductory newsletter and if you can get through mine, his will be a piece of cake. I think this year will be really good for him. He reminds me a lot of Emi. She would always wear those shirts with the jokes on them like, “May the Lord be with you” in the Star Wars font. Emi and Logan are both on the quieter side (at least when around the staff), but I’m sure Logan has a little bit of sass. And is just hiding it.
    • I’m banking on the hope the students won’t read this so that I can brag about them. They have seriously been a delight to be around. They make fun of me (lovingly, I think (I hope)), pester me, and treat me “like my brothers should have growing up”. They make me appreciate my brothers even more. I’m very aware of how spoiled I am because of Ned and Jon. Aidan, Caleb, Donnie, Logan, and Jesse (the Holland boy, keep reading for more on him) are each seeking God and striving to grow in their knowledge of and relationship with Him. God’s getting a hold of them, and they’re going to do great things for Him, I just know it. I can’t wait to see how He’ll use them.
  • Danielle and I went to Lancaster for beignets, and they were 100% worth the drive. They were fresh and delicious but also incredibly hot. I almost burned my face when I took the first bite because the hot air hit me like a wave. 10/10 would recommend Lancaster Beignet Company.
  • I took my niece and nephew, Max and Ella, on a (VERY BELATED) birthday outing. We went to McDonalds, then the movies to see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie (I enjoyed it, they seemed to as well), and finished with Dunkin.
  • Over the summer, I had been splitting some of my time between the office and the kitchen. On days we didn’t have a volunteer, Danielle and I would work back and forth to cover the kitchen. Maybe you’re wondering why we didn’t just close the kitchen; we don’t have anyone in there and have to stretch other areas thin. Here’s the thing. The kitchen, lunchtime, is a vital part of the ministry. I honestly think this is one of the biggest things that makes us a unified team. Taking a break to sing, receive Biblical teaching and encouragement, and then eat together is incredibly important, like how a family has family dinners. 
    • Anyway, I hate to admit it, but I really didn’t have the best attitude being in the kitchen. But we are so blessed to have 2 faithful volunteers cook for us on certain days, and then staff helps to cover the rest. That being said, we could still use some more help. It’s such a blessing to have people come in and volunteer just for those couple hours. Linda, Joel’s mom, has taken Thursday mornings, and I look forward to Thursdays so much more now! She likes to experiment and try things. When it comes to food, I will try just about anything once. Within reason… But she has yet to disappoint, just like Becky who cooks on Tuesdays and Fridays. Becky has grown a lot and does a really great job of trying different things even if it’s a little daunting at times. We also have Terri and Charli help Sandra on Mondays. Seeing new people throughout the week and getting to pour into them is something the staff here does well. So if you’re interested in helping for a day, please please please pray about it!
  • One of the summer kitchen volunteers, Sandra, was invited to come on staff full-time! I am so excited to have Sandra with us now, and I know everyone else is too. It’s especially nice to have another girl in the morning meetings. She helps to break things up and is always willing to share about what God’s been teaching her.
    • Sandra is a funny, sweet girl. She’s incredibly considerate and is very obviously pursuing God. Listening to her talk about her faith reminds me to do the same. She might not know or see it, but her actions are an encouragement to me. She’s truly been a huge blessing. If you want to learn more about her, she shared a newsletter earlier this month on the website. Check it out!
    • Sandra is the Hospitality and Outreach Coordinator, meaning she helps oversee the kitchen, the cleaning, and any work groups that volunteer. She’s also going to be helping set up Serve Days, where the ministry will help other missionaries, pastors, ministry leaders, widows, etc. by working at their house for a day. 
  • The whole family went to Knoebels, an event that doesn’t frequently happen anymore. Everyone has such busy lives that it was difficult to find a day when we could all do something together.
    • I had a lot of fun riding the roller coasters with my nephews and niece. The younger ones spent a lot of time in the children’s rides, but after our parents and Jon & Nicole left, I walked around with Ned & Hannah, Ashley & Kevin, and their kids.
  • I had the opportunity to represent CMTS at the Mohrsville church. Each year, they host a community event and ask us to set up a table. I almost always see someone I don’t expect to be there. Last year, a church member was there singing with his musical group, and this year it was my dad’s cousin, but I always called them aunt and uncle growing up.
  • My dad’s mother, Mamaw, had been doing poorly for the past 2ish years, and in August, she went home to be with the Lord.
  • Towards the beginning of the month, I felt convicted to remove social media from my life, unless it was for ministry work. This was a huge step for me, and a long time coming, but I know it will be beneficial. We are meant to be in community, but we aren’t meant to know everything that’s happening all the time. In fact, I’m less likely to talk to someone if I already know everything that’s happened in their life in the last month. Not exactly community building at its finest. Also, being surrounded by everyone’s best moments is discouraging when you don’t live that every day. My mental health and my contentment in Christ were affected every time I opened my phone to see another engagement, pregnancy announcement, wedding photo, etc. I’ll admit, I’m still struggling, some days much more than others and especially in the last 3 months, but I know that God is working to change my heart and how I view my circumstances. It might not look like it, but He’s working.
  • The students had their first Christ Link meeting! I’m really excited about how they are going to serve with Wes and the CL team this year. I don’t know if they realize it or not, but the service they do with Christ Link is incredibly impactful, and even if they hate computers and plan to never use these skills again, they are learning the valuable skill of serving with heart and with a good attitude. “As unto the Lord.”


September Highlights 

  • September started with me learning what a day in the life of Danielle looks like; or maybe a week, really. She and Joel took their family on a trip the week before the Equip Circle K trip, which meant that I had the tall task of prepping all the food for them and the kitchen. I felt a little bit crazy by the end of the week, and when they returned, I was extra grateful to see her back! She does so much for the ministry and I think it goes unnoticed…
  • Doug & Hilda knew someone in Holland who needed to spend 9ish weeks in the States for his teaching degree. Jesse (pronounced “Yes-uh”) essentially became a 5th Equip guy and was so well folded into the group, that when he left in October, it felt like we were losing one of them too soon. He was kind and eager to help, which was a huge asset when the roofing project started.
    • The night before he left, Jesse and some of the students rearranged the dining room. Disorienting is the word I would use. Also, he Post-it-note-bombed my desk. I’m still finding Post-its 2 weeks later.
  • The Roofing Project
    • We were blessed to have a group of 5 people join us: Alfredo, Martin, and Sergio are from Baja California (Mexico), Karli is from Missouri, and Barry is from PA. Danielle and Joel served with Alfredo, Martin, Sergio, and Karli in Costa Rica over the summer, and when Joel asked them to help us replace the roof in September they were excited to help. Barry heard about the project from an email we sent out asking for volunteers. He’s been involved in the ministry before and was happy to help again.
    • At first, we estimated a week to 10 days for the roof to be finished; there was a large group to help and it seemed doable. As they went along though, it became evident it would take longer than that. Sergio and Martin had to leave before the project was finished, but Alfredo and Karli extended their stay twice to see it finally finished. Caleb, Aidan, and Donovan secured the final shingle as Alfredo cooked carne asada in celebration.
    • There were a lot of trials along the way, but throughout the whole project, Aidan, Caleb, Donovan, Logan, and Jesse were a driving force of energy and encouragement to complete the project. The fact that the last 3 people on the roof as the project was being finished was 3 of our students speaks volumes to how much energy they bring to everything. Seeing them put in so much effort to this project humbled me. They’re only here for 9 months, and they could have just done the bare minimum and not cared at all. Instead, they chose to stay up late, wake up early, work tirelessly, melt their shoes on a hot roof, deal with achey muscles, and still find energy and joy to dance on the roof.
  • Danielle and I went to the book sale that Grace and Emi and I went to last year. It really made me miss them. I have not been to Hobby Lobby nearly as often as I used to when they were here, and while it’s better for my bank account, I miss spending afternoons and evenings with them getting coffee, bubble tea, or Pizza Hut.
  • The Righteous Rides partnership has been operating smoothly. In the past year, we were able to serve 14 missionary families by offering them vans to use while on furlough. That’s a smaller number than CMTS is used to, but I’m grateful that we are able to serve even that amount. If not for Righteous Rides, we might have had to stop renting vehicles to missionaries altogether. God knew what He was doing and it’s good to see His work.


October Highlight

  • October 4th marked 2 years at CMTS!! 🎉 What an amazing 2 years it has been. I am so incredibly blessed to be part of this ministry and serve God with the few office skills I have. “I know it’s not much, But I’ve nothing else fit for a King, Except for a heart singing hallelujah” or in my case, a heart willing to serve Him by sitting at a computer and doing the background things that keep Justin in the Warehouse, Nick, Sam, & Doug in the Automotive shops, Nolan, Ray, Joel, Danielle, Sandra, Johnny, and Equip going.
  • While Karli was here, she, Danielle, Sandra, and I went out for ice cream one night, then made a detour to see the fork in the road.
  • The first two weekends of October, my family did their annual cider pressing.
  • Hannah, Arya, Echo, and I went to the Berks Fall Fest at the fairgrounds. They had a bounce house, pumpkin painting, and a bunch of other activities that Arya loved. But the bounce house was hands down the favorite.
  • The last night that Alfredo & Karli were with us, they had a worship night with the students. After they finished singing early to get rest before their 3AM trip, a few of us stayed behind and sang until a ridiculous hour later into the night. Sandra plays guitar and sings beautifully; she truly knows how to make a joyful noise!
  • Mid-October, Joel & Danielle threw the staff an Appreciation Dinner. It was really nice, and what I appreciate most is that they do a really good job of making the staff (or at least me) feel appreciated all the time. I can’t say it enough, but I really love my job.
  • At our second night of KFJ (Kids for Jesus), Pastor Ronnie handed out 16 Bibles! How amazing is that?! It’s truly evident how much he loves these kids and loves the Bible; our church is blessed with amazing leaders and their passion for God is contagious.
  • Jan Danielle, and I went to the CCEF (Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation) conference in Virginia Beach. I’d never heard of them until last year and when Danielle asked if I’d like to go to their 2023 conference, I was excited to learn and get resources on the difficult topic they were doing this year. I’m far from being good at any sort of counseling, but God can use even me, should He so choose. It was a long, mentally tiring weekend, but so good.
    • We had 7 General Sessions and 4 Breakout Sessions, all centered around the topic of Trauma and the Biblical basis for counseling yourself or someone else through trauma. To borrow a phrase, it was like “drinking from a fire hose”. SO much information; I prayed all weekend for my brain to be a sponge.
  • October 30th-November 3rd is the Equip Evangelism week. I’m excited for the students and staff involved to be equipped with the skills for this really important and daunting task for every Christian. Evangelism is not my thing, but if I’m not mistaken, it doesn’t really matter if it is or isn’t “my thing”. The Bible says to always be ready to give an answer for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15) and that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). I’m praying that this week would light a flame in their hearts to be obedient in this way, be open to the Spirit’s prompting, and be willing to obey when He moves.


Where’s God?

Everywhere! But specifically:

  • He has been growing me and stretching me to my limits. The students would like to think they too are pushing me to my limits of patience. Are they helping in my sanctification process? Yes. God’s using them too.
  • He’s continued to provide finances every month. I have been blessed with consistent financial support each month and it would not be possible if not for God moving in the hearts of those around me. I’m so, so grateful for the people that God has used to provide for me. I can’t say it enough, but I couldn’t do this without you.
  • He has protected the ministry. Not much more to say on that; He is in control and I’m grateful for that!
  • He’s blessed me with a supportive family. I couldn’t do this without my friends, family, and church family.
  • He’s provided food consistently for everyone at the ministry. God has provided low-cost resources through places like Hornings and Blessings of Hope, or donations of food from churches, etc.
  • He’s shown me grace and mercy when I truly don’t deserve it.
  • He’s proven His trustworthiness and His steadfast, enduring love over and over. God is sovereign and good.


Prayer Requests:

  1.  Continued provision! I know that God can and will provide my needs because He’s promised it, and His faithfulness is unending. That being said, He does tell us to remind Him (or ourselves really) of His character. That means praying for God to be God.
  2. Please continue to pray for me as I seek His will, follow His plan, and surrender my own. My prayer is to glorify God in my everyday life, but I often fall short. He is gracious!
  3. Pray for strength and wisdom for myself and everyone else at the ministry. Especially for the men and women in leadership. God is bigger than any challenge we’ve faced yet. He is sovereign!
  4. Pray for the different projects happening around campus, for the finances to handle all these things, and for wisdom and protection. We have lots of moving parts right now, and I look forward to seeing God’s continued faithfulness.
  5. Pray for the Equip program. These guys will be challenged and grown a lot this year. Also, we will soon be presenting at schools about Equip. And our first Open House is December 2nd! Pray for last year’s students, too!
  6. Pray for the different aspects of the ministry: the Righteous Rides merge, the Warehouse, the Automotive Shops, Maintenance people, the leadership, the administration, the need for help everywhere, the list goes on and on!
  7. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send more workers into His field (see Matthew 9:38). We need help. A few of the major areas of need are in:
  8. Pray that I would find contentment and fulfillment in Christ alone, and that I would be persistent in prayer for His will, not mine. It’s been a difficult few months, but God has grown me a lot this year. I’m still not where I want to be, and it’s hard to trust that God is working when I can’t see it, but there have been so many times He has spoken to me about endurance and persistence in October alone, that I find it hard to believe it wasn’t Him speaking. I’m also not meant to do this life alone, so that’s why I’m doing my best to humble myself and ask you to pray with me that God would work in me and through me. I don’t like asking for prayer about being content in singleness, but I have to remind myself that it’s not about me. It’s about what Paul told us in Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens…” Please bear this burden with me.


The Ministries’ prayer requests are available on the website if you feel called to pray for these too!


Thank you again for your support! I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to serve God with my work. I am truly so blessed to work at a job that I absolutely love! I thank you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to do this and partnering with me. If you have any questions, comments, prayer requests, etc. please email me at (or text me if you have my phone number)!


“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You.” 

Psalm 39:7


In Christ, 
Hannah Noecker

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