October 2023 at CMTS Ministries

“Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually!” 1 Chronicles 16:11

Equip Update

The four students said their goodbyes to Jesse in mid-October, and hope to keep the friendship they built strong in his absence. During the 3-week roofing process, they were a driving force bringing energy and encouragement to the staff around them. Each of them has also changed to their new vocations, and they are enjoying working with the staff supervisors. The classes are going well, and Evangelism Week is scheduled for October 30th – November 3rd. Please pray for them as they learn to develop the important skills that go along with sharing the gospel.

Joel Smith and Nolan Lapp have begun visiting local Christian schools with the goal of sharing about the Equip program. Please pray that God would open doors and use this time to be fruitful in providing future students and relationships with the teachers and leaders there. If you know of a school at which we could speak, please email equip@cmtsministries.com for more information.

Around the Ministry in Bernville, PA

Nick VanWert and Sam Adams have been selling some of the vehicles that were recently donated to us. This has been a huge blessing, as the lack of missionary loaner vehicles has changed the income dynamic for the ministry. They were also able to work on a missionary’s car who found us via the internet. Donovan has been a huge help and his great attitude has been an encouragement in the shop. Doug Sylva has been showing Caleb how to work in the Auto Body Shop. They helped former student, David, with his car, and finished work on a few of the staff vehicles, both personal and work. Doug has been enjoying time with the students as they are eager to learn and serve.

In the Warehouse, Justin Darnell, Johnny Debkowski, Logan, and the amazing volunteers have been sorting the abundant donations received. The ministry has been blessed with donations of things like cleaning supplies, a huge need for almost every ministry that comes through the Warehouse, to the point that we have an overstock available. Pray with us for more supplies to be donated so that we can serve more ministries. There will soon be another Haiti shipment being packed. The August shipment has reached the port and is waiting for the necessary paperwork and exchange of money to reach the orphanages and families that are in desperate need. Pray for Haiti.

Sandra DaMore has continued to settle into the ministry. In addition to helping cook alongside volunteers in the kitchen, she has begun to take on more responsibilities in Hospitality. Ray Pete, Aidan, and one of our volunteers helped to fix a few more things in her apartment, including the dishwasher. Ray and Aidan also finished putting the shooting boom forklift back together so that it is ready for use. Their next project is to work on fixing the skid loader.


Andy and Nancy Merrick are enjoying their ministry in Belize. If you would like to be involved in the ministry there, we will be having a short-term mission trip to Belize. It will be a week in February and will be open to the public. Please contact info@cmtsministries.com for more information. Don’t forget that there is a link to sign up for their newsletter on the website. If you haven’t signed up for their newsletter yet, we highly encourage you to so you can get regular updates!

Volunteer Opportunities: CMTS Bernville and Belize need mechanics, warehouse volunteers, office help, workgroups, teachers, etc. To learn more, contact the office at info@cmtsministries.com.

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