Logans Logs 11/9/23

Happy Fall, Y’all! This October has been fun! From Cider Pressing to Evangelism Week, a good deal has happened this month. At the beginning of the month, the five of us guys (now down to four after Jesse returned to his home in Holland- he will be greatly missed), went to a Cider Pressing event held by the Noecker family, where cider, great food, and great fun were had by family and friends, adults and children alike! We enjoyed hand pressed cider (which we helped make), pot luck dinner, and homemade wings and fries made on site as we talked with old friends and made new ones long until the dark hours. 

I’ve been working in the warehouse this month with Justin Darnell, learning to build shelves and gaylords, moving things, clearing brush and junk, and more! Meanwhile, we’ve been taking classes, including a class going over the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and one about the lie of evolution/billions of years, going over the book The Lie by Ken Ham. Both are amazing classes led by amazing people, and I’ve also been able to attend a bi-weekly Men’s Bible Study where I’ve met plenty of really cool men who share interests with me and are older and wiser, and able to give me advice for my future adult life! Over time, I’ve developed interests for so many things I’d like to start a career in, like: Software Development, Online Marketing, Web Design, Writing, Game Production, Singing/Songwriting, and Voice Acting! I don’t even know what to choose. In addition to that, I feel called to high school ministry, being able to focus on high school guys and mentor them to the best of my ability through youth group. Though my safest bet would be going into Software Development, your prayers would be appreciated as I take the remainder of this year to decide where I’m going to go with my future career.

Finally, last week was Evangelism Week, which made a really huge impact on me spiritually. What that entailed was a class every morning where we would learn about evangelizing or talk about the events of that week before going into our day. Wednesday we had a really cool talk with a couple that came in to talk with us about Evangelism, and they blessed us and anointed us with Frankincense on various parts of the body (such as the forehead, cheeks, or palms), based on what we felt called by God to do. They prayed over us before we went out on our first of two Evangelism outings. The first one, taking place Wednesday afternoon, took place in a mall around town, where the 8 of us split into 3 groups to talk with strangers, get to know them a little bit, tell them about the gospel, and pray for them! We did so again on Friday, where we went to the town of Reading into various stores with little success, but then moved to the downtown streets where people were hurting and oppressed… and it was amazing to see how God moved through us to touch the hearts of the people and even bring healing to them. God’s children are all important, and I see it as my mission to love them all, just like Jesus loves every one of them. Once again I say Soli Deo Gloria, To God Alone be the Glory.

God Bless,

-Logan Brennan

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