Logan’s Logs February 2024

(Just a notice, this IS the February Newsletter but it’s coming to you in March along with the actual March Newsletter, since it never got published.)

Hello again everyone… this month has been kinda slow. Not a lot has happened this month, since I’ve been on and off sick for the majority of the month, but February has really been the month where most of us here are realizing just how quickly the end of this year is coming up. We’ve got a little under 3 months left! It’s been almost 7 months now, but honestly, it’s only felt like 3 or 4 for me. Crazy how time seems to fly like that when you’re not paying attention. The rest of the guys went to an outdoor show, which I’ve heard was pretty cool, but unfortunately at the time, I was bedridden. Even now as I type this, I have a raging headache and a nasty sore throat. Maybe that’s the devil’s way of attacking me lately… at least that would mean I’m doing something right. 🙂 

Still, one notable thing this month is that we’ve cycled out of some of our finished classes, and have a couple of new ones- both of which are very interesting. Justin Darnell is teaching one about the love of Christ, and Katie is teaching on Ken Ham’s book: One Race, One Blood. It talks about the Biblical way to deal with racism, and it’s super interesting and insightful. Honestly, Ken Ham is one of my favorite authors I’ve read a lot of recently, and he hasn’t failed to impress me. I think it’s safe to say I no longer believe in the idea of “race”, and I would highly recommend the book to anyone willing to give it a shot. 

As far as personal work goes, I’ve been researching a couple of the software development programs I’ve been wanting to do, and it’s been slow progress but I have found some interesting stuff. Additionally, I finished the first “season” of the campaign of my personal TTRPG with my friends, and we’ll soon be starting another, more traditional DND campaign where my friend will be leading, giving me a little break. Also, I’ve been brainstorming quite a bit; next month is going to be incredibly busy. I and 3 of my friends are going to be taking on the daunting challenge of writing a novel in a month. The goal is a good first draft of a roughly 30,000-word novel, within the month of March. Other than that, everything from the style to the genre is free game. I’ll be going with a mystery/thriller with some light horror aspects… the rest you’ll just have to see when I (hopefully) publish it later this year! This is going to be one tough challenge- considering all of us are near complete rookies- but it’s one we’re all hoping can help us expand our skillsets, grow our already existing skills, and learn to get things done and be creative at the same time within a tight schedule. All the same, we’re more than ready to take it on! I’ve spent hours pacing, brainstorming, and making a mental outline of the story I want to tell, and I think I’m almost ready to start writing… and it’s about time! Unfortunately, I’ll have to delay a few days until I get a new charger for my computer- since it was damaged and my computer is ‘dead until further notice’ (mental note to make that phrase into a poem later). 

Other than the occasional football game or car crash, life has been a little slow lately… so I’m looking forward to March, where the pace should pick up quite a bit! As life goes on, I can feel God confirming what I feel like he’s been calling me to do in my future, so I’m hoping I’m following the right path, and He’ll bless it as I launch myself into yet another new season of life. Please pray for me as I make decisions on this summer and the next year, as well as for recovery from sickness and an impactful last few months here at CMTS! Not to mention the trip to Mexico coming up! We’ll be serving there for a little over a week during April 2-10, doing ministry and service while we stay at a YWAM base, so I’ve been praying for that to go smoothly (and perhaps for me to magically learn Spanish…). Looks like I’ll be downloading Duolingo shortly.

Have a great month, and God bless!

-Logan Brennan.

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