Logan’s Logs 3/28/24

Welcome, welcome, happy March. You know what that means? I only have two more months here… my mind is thoroughly boggled. It also means Easter candy galore. I can’t actually remember the last time Easter happened in March, but I am excited to be able to celebrate it in a few days in a church and family that’s not my own. I am going to be waking my roommates up by BLASTING The Easter Song by Keith Green, because that’s what my family always did to me… and who wants to miss out on a little Brennan family tradition?

Speaking of family traditions, one of the things that happened this month was an early Easter staff dinner for about 23 people. The main course was provided by yours truly along with Aidan, where we made more pizza than a hungry hungry hippo could possibly quaff. It was a bit of a competition between us to see who could out-pizza the other. I made six fairly large sized circular pizzas, while Aidan made about 4 full-sized sheet pans in a rectangle shape. The overall pizza that got the most votes was my spicy chicken red pesto, at 6 votes, but it sounds like chicken bacon ranch was another well liked one, which was made by both of us. Overall, I got 16 votes for best pizzas, and Aidan got 5… but to be fair, in my opinion the only thing holding him back was the crust, which was a little tough; I also greased my pans rather than flouring them. His pizzas were also great, and I think I can confidently say that all the pizzas were enjoyed by all. If you’d like a link to the recipe, I’ll leave a link below!

I’ve spent this month in the Warehouse with Justin, and the week after Mexico I’ll be stationed in the mechanics shop for the final 5 weeks. I say 5 weeks rather than 4 because they would normally have a weeklong domestic mission trip somewhere in there, but we already did one earlier in Georgia. We also finished a couple great classes: Experiencing God by Mike Blackaby & Claude V King- and Once Race, One Blood by Ken Ham. The Mexico Trip itself will be happening from April 2-10, so I’m pretty excited about that. As I briefly mentioned in my previous newsletter, we’ll be staying at a local YWAM base and helping around the area with some physical work, general ministries to those in need, and plenty of evangelism, where we’ll work towards an eternal goal. What better way to spend time with people from another culture than playing a part in a mission to lead everyone to the place where all the peoples of the nations will become one people – one culture – the Kingdom. On a less grandiose note, we will also have some delicious tacos.

Finally… the book. Yeah, for any of you who read last month’s newsletter, I’m sorry to inform you that that’s not going to be happening this month. On the final day of February, my computer broke. Well, kind of; my charger got bent out of shape (someone probably just tripped over the cord) and it no longer charged my computer or fit into the charging port. I ordered a new charger, and much to my disappointment, it still didn’t fit. My conclusion was that the actual internal port was somehow damaged in the process, since I was 95% sure I purchased the right charger (after accidentally ordering the wrong one and having to return it anyways). So, with some help from Ray Pete, we got a new port ordered from Ebay, and it fit that just fine. Ray’s since been working with me to disassemble the “guts” of my laptop, and repair anything else that needed improving along the way; like my fan, which had so much dust clogging it up it looked like it hadn’t taken a breath of fresh air since the 90’s (It’s only about a 3 year old laptop). So, a huge thanks to Ray… I’m very thankful for him and everything he’s taught me. All that to say, the “write a novel in a month challenge” will be delayed for a different month for me. That, or I’ll do a “write a novel in however long it takes me challenge”. 

(Click here for pizza recipe)


Logan Brennan.