May 2021
Genesis 1:11-12 “Then God said, “ Let the land sprout with vegetation-every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And this is what happened. The land produced vegetation-all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and the trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seed produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.”
When I look outside this time of year I see God’s creativity and the beauty of His creation. The majestic trees with their new leaves. The green grass waving at me in the wind. The colorful flowers, so many varieties of shapes and designs. God made sure when he spoke those words to create these things that they would be amazing and work in harmony together. God has that same design in us. He designed us to be beautiful and to work in harmony together on this Earth. Thank you God for making us who we are and for being patient with us as we grow closer to you!
Over the past month we have had some great news come into the ministry. The container that we shipped last year to the Congo has arrived! This was a challenge due to civil unrest in the country that the shipment arrived at the port of (the Congo is land locked by this country). Lots of prayer, hard work, and keeping the faith that God was in control, allowed it to make it there safely. Praise God! We are beginning to prep to ship a 40’ container to Haiti with the help of the Crossworld Ministry. They are supplying items for about half of the container and we are filling the other half. We are raising funds to help pay for our half of the container. Thank you for your prayers and support of the ministry. Your donations are used to reach the less fortunate, through educational resources, job training materials, basic needs, and supporting the full-time staff members who use their God-given talents to serve Him. Please visit our website at to view more and to see other updates and information.